Sunday, April 10, 2011

Knitting update

I haven't been posting here much, bad me.  I may not be able to keep 2 separate blogs, dogs and other, but I will try a little longer.  I have a whole big list of books to add to the reading list, but not today.  Today I want to post my most recent knitting.  In March I had an outdoors activity and I realized the first hat I knit a while back just didn't match my jacket, and is a bit to short to cover my ears.  It seemed a good excuse to knit myself something new.  A new hat and my first pair of mittens.  These were done with a bulky acrylic-the next ones will be a more natural material.  Probably wool, but I saw a pair of silk mittens that were sinmply lovely and well, maybe a new experience some time down the road.

1 comment:

BubzRugz said...

Hello Dawn,
I popped by to thank you for your comment on my post at Sew We Quilt.... and of course have a look around to see what you are up too... your knitting looks just what I need ... we are having a sudden cold spell!!